Imagine your subconscious mind as a massive database. It keeps track of everything that has ever happened to you and can hold an almost infinite amount of data.
You will have saved more than 100 times the total amount of information included in the Encyclopedia Britannica by the time you are 21 years old.
Many hypnotized people report vivid recollections of incidents that occurred decades ago.
However, why don’t we consciously retrieve all the information stored in our subconscious?
Your conscious memory is questionable, but your unconscious memory is almost flawless.
The great news is that we can retrain our unconscious minds to think more positively, which will help us overcome negative habits and attitudes and realize all of our life goals.
Can You Tell the Difference Between Your Conscious and Subconscious Minds?
Everything of which you are presently aware constitutes what is known as the conscious mind. Exactly how you are feeling, acting, seeing, touching, and experiencing things. To some extent, you are aware of it.
Data storage is not a part of consciousness. It is the current event. Considering and settling on a course of action is required. You have complete command over your conscious mind since it is responsible for decision-making.
On the other hand, your subconscious mind is constantly at work, even if you don’t realize it. The information of every experience you have ever had is stored in your subconscious mind, which is also known as the conscious mind.
This impacts your reactions to situations, which can explain why you tend to be shy, passive, overeat, or addicted. Optimism optimism, confidence, drive, success, and other good emotions are all influenced by your subconscious mind.
The trick is to affect your subconscious ideas in a favourable way by utilizing your conscious mind. Acquiring the skill to use both simultaneously is an effective strategy.
The Internal Workings of Your Subconscious Mind
Your five senses are constantly taking in information whenever you are awake. Memories are like a computer’s hard drive: they hold all of these events. However, only some of this data necessitates active memory recall. The vast majority of what we do every day is likely forgotten.
A hypnotic recollection of long-forgotten memories tells us, nonetheless, that these ideas and pictures are still floating about in your mind.
The way we think and behave is shaped by our experiences, particularly those that occur during our early childhood, according to studies in the area of brain function conducted by psychologists. Despite your lack of memory for most of your life’s events, 90–95% of your actions are influenced by your unconscious mind.
Subconscious thought is like putting an aeroplane on autopilot. It controls our every movement, posture, breath, and speech via continuously operating programs. Because the necessary knowledge is already stored in your brain, these things occur without our conscious effort.
The term for the impulse that runs through your subconscious is a homeostatic impulse. It maintains a steady heart rate and respiration rate, in addition to maintaining a core temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
The vast majority of the time, your body’s physical machinery runs in perfect harmony thanks to the autonomic nervous system’s job of regulating the hundreds of chemicals contained in your billions of cells.
Maintaining mental consistency with prior actions and words is another way your subconscious mind maintains homeostasis in your mental domain.
Any time you try to do something different or alter your long-standing habits, your subconscious mind makes you feel physically and emotionally uneasy. When your subconscious gets going, it manifests as feelings of anxiety and unease. However, those patterns of conduct have been quietly forming in the background for a long time before you become aware of any emotions.
One reason habits can be so difficult to overcome is because they tend to become deeply ingrained. But when you know how to make these patterns intentionally, you can use habit to your advantage and consciously establish new routines that your subconscious will eventually adjust to.
Whenever you venture out of your comfort zone, you’ll feel your subconscious luring you back. Anxiety and tension will set in the moment you consider doing anything out of the ordinary.
Because of this, it may be more challenging to establish new habits that may aid in goal attainment, such as adhering to time management advice, but once established, they will remain inside your comfort zone. When you do this, you are effectively rewiring your brain to favour your goals.
The Power of Your Mind to Influence Your Subconscious: How to Break Bad Habits
The secret is to retrain your brain to generate more positive habits since your subconscious mind controls your positive and negative behaviours to a large extent.
Here is where your rational thinking becomes involved. Retraining your subconscious mind to act in a way that benefits your world both now and in the future is something you can do with your consciousness.
Is there anything on your list that you’d like to accomplish, any bad habits you’d like to break, a dream job you’d love to have, or a future that seems drastically different from where you are now?
You can achieve your goals in every area of your life by training your subconscious mind with your conscious thoughts.
The process begins with the following four stages:
Step 1: Find the Obstacle
It would help if you first determined what is preventing you from accomplishing your goals.
Do you have any anxieties or limiting thoughts?
For instance, if you have an itch to write a novel but can’t bring yourself to sit down and put pen to paper, why is that? Are you hesitant to write it because you believe no one will read it, you are short on time, or you need more writing skills?
All of these ideas are only speculations on your part; they could be completely wrong. Your conscious decisions will be a direct result of your subconscious mind’s preprogramming to act in that manner.
Physical obstacles are another type of roadblock. Maybe you’re trying to lose weight but never get around to exercising because you’re too busy mindlessly scrolling around social media.
Take stock of your aspirations and objectives, and identify the mental blocks, routines, and assumptions that are preventing you from realizing them.
Step 2: Free Your Mind From Restrictive Ideas
Acknowledge, accept, and let go of your limiting thoughts once you’ve identified them.
In order to confront and let go of painful emotions, it is necessary to bring them to the forefront of your awareness.
For instance, you may have a hard time forming trusting relationships, but now know that it’s because you lacked positive role models when you were younger. Once you identify the source of your emotions, you can work to alleviate them and respond more effectively.
planning for the future
Step 3: Establish Your Intention In Your Mind
Reprogram your subconscious mind and release the potential of positive thinking.
In an instant, you can rewire your subconscious mind with your deliberate ideas and deeds. Reprogramming your emotions, healing from trauma, and breaking behaviours that hold you back from living the life you want is all possible via the power of positive messaging.
Think about what you want your life to be like, and then act accordingly.
If you’re stuck, try telling yourself things like, “Even though I’ve done this in the past, I no longer do it now.”
Just like it has for every other piece of information it has ever received, your subconscious mind will pay attention. Your subconscious will eventually follow your lead. Now that it has a new habit, it doesn’t care about its previous ones.
The most important thing is to picture yourself succeeding, to anticipate and prepare for any obstacles, to have your conscious mind alert and aware of your surroundings, and to make the conscious decision to act according to your plan at any given time.
Step 4: Turn Over Control to Your Subconscious Mind
Gradually letting go of your conscious mind and allowing your subconscious to take control is the goal. If you teach your unconscious mind one way to react, it will start to think that’s the right way to behave every time.
By utilizing the correct term, action, or concept, you have established a novel pathway for your subconscious mind to access its memory banks and discover an encouraging, empowering, and pleasant response.