Why life is so hard? Gratitude and contentment with what we have can be challenging. When everything seems to be weighing us down, it can be not easy to maintain an upright posture. We often ask “why?” even when we know the answer isn’t apparent. The terrible things that happen in this world and why they happen defy comprehension, and that is something that will never change.
But that shouldn’t stop you from being the best version of yourself! In this blog article, I will discuss my ideas regarding why Life is So Hard and some strategies for overcoming adversity.
There is a monetary value to nearly everything in this world.
One big issue that can complicate our lives is money. Problems in our lives are not caused by money per se but by how it is obtained. Making a living is not a given for all people. Compared to impoverished countries, citizens in wealthier nations have more and better chances. Where you live significantly impacts your job prospects, healthcare access, commodity pricing, and government benefits.
Our fundamental needs necessitate monetary payment. Cash is needed to purchase necessities such as food, clothes, water, and housing. Just buying a decent house can cost a million dollars. Professional counseling services, for example, are an intangible good that costs money. Companies tend to be frugal with their employee salaries. And the list continues.
Disruptions in relationships
People can also play a significant role in making us feel that Life is So Hard. The way some people treat other people can be downright unpleasant. So much stress can result from a lack of empathy. Additionally, not everyone had a joyous childhood because of their parents. The mental toll of a broken relationship, whether it be with a loved one, a close friend, or a significant other, can make you feel that Life is So Hard.
Life is So Hard, when Pressure from society
Sometimes, it feels like we can do anything we want in life. We can achieve our goals in life to a certain degree. Unfortunately, a system does exist. A vital component of the system is money. To make money, one must go to college and acquire a job. Life seems to follow a predetermined pattern. It goes something like this:
- You’re born into this world.
- You spend roughly 20 years in school.
- You work for a living for another 40 years.
- You retire when you’re old.
In addition to the factors already discussed, society exerts additional pressure. It’s like there are unspoken regulations that you have to adhere to. People have particular expectations about how other people should act. Some things are expected of you when you reach a specific age, such as accomplishing a certain goal or getting a particular item. Society will reject you if you deviate from these norms, which only worsens things. No one can deviate from the norm.
Life is So Hard, when You will be unhappy if you compare yourself to other people.
Social networking isn’t inherently terrible. But it did provide us a fresh window into other people’s lives. We used to be able to only communicate with those in our close social circle, including relatives and close friends. Almost anybody globally is within reach, and you can learn all about them.
The ease with which we may now compare our lives to others is a potential downside of this technology. We could experience thoughts of jealousy and pressure. The question of why some individuals appear to have it so good and easy could cross your mind. Who am I to say no? It is easy to let your emotions lead you to see things in a bad light.
Who are you to stand against?
The source of the difficulty in your life can be challenging to spot. It might be you—and when we say “you,” we imply your perspective. When we let ourselves be overwhelmed by life’s difficulties, dwelling on the negative is tempting. Worse yet, we may have missed opportunities to improve our lives by not acquiring crucial skills.
We may have missed opportunities to improve ourselves, but wasting time now could cost us dearly. Attempting to tackle every problem on your own can also be rather challenging.
Things might be challenging at times. Then what am I to do?
Things might be challenging at times. You can choose to embrace this idea or to challenge it. You can start by changing your mindset. Misfortunes strike. Negative experiences in your life can be viewed in a different light. Remember that other people can’t possibly know what you’re going through, so it’s easy for them to provide advice.
However, it would help if you didn’t bear the burden alone. To alleviate your distress, seek solace in the company of loved ones or a support group. Seek assistance from a life coach or therapist if you are isolated from friends and family. With the abundance of internet communication options available today, getting in touch with someone is even easier.
Attempting to acquire new abilities is something you may do at any age. Online resources have made learning a great deal of previously inaccessible information possible without breaking the bank on tuition. Get a degree in a field that piques your interest and will open doors for you in the future.
Nowadays, Many jobs allow you to work from the comfort of your home. If you have technical skills with computers or know how to write decent articles, those can also be useful. You can start an online business if you have any marketable skill or commodity. There are opportunities.
All the chaos around the pandemic and the many new regulations make Life is So Hard to go about our everyday lives as usual. We have little say over the speed and severity of natural disasters, yet they can devastate our lives instantly. Emphasizing what we have control over is of utmost importance.
Mainly, think about how we can make things better. Improve yourself with the help of others and their encouragement. There are a lot of factors that make life difficult, but there are also a lot of factors that may be improved. Getting it done is our responsibility.
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