A large number of people resolve to make life changes every year. You might wish to spend more time with your family, boost your income, get in shape, or return to your religious beliefs. Still, fewer than 8 percent of them manage to complete their resolution. Occasionally, you encounter a roadblock that deters you and makes Your Unmotivated Feeling.
It’s critical to understand that experiencing restlessness is a natural aspect of existence. Not everything goes as planned, either in terms of speed or efficiency. You can take a number of steps to get your life back on track, depending on what’s causing your feelings.
What Is the Meaning of Having Restlessness?
A continuous need to move, the inability to quiet your mind, or both together are referred to as restlessness. There could be side effects such as agitation, anxiety, palpitations, hyperactivity, and insomnia.
Others may struggle with finishing tasks, organising their time, or getting to sleep at night because of mental disturbances.
From the perspective of clinical psychology, one kind of neurosis is restlessness. The term “neurosis” refers to excessive and unreasonable concern or obsession.
It is a sign of a mental health problem. In other words, the mind is the root of the issue. Excessive tension resulting from neurosis can produce hopelessness and a helpless feeling.
Why Your Restless Feelings Could Only Indicate Something Deeper Within You?
You discover that mental tensions and confusion play a major role in restlessness when you make an effort to delve a little deeper into your thoughts (either on your own or with expert aid).
It indicates that there is something bothering your thoughts when you are unable to fully inhabit the present moment and relish your moments of reverie. When you feel restless, you are transported—whether you recognise it or not—into a new universe where you resolve your internal conflicts.
Most commonly, restlessness arises when you find yourself unable to take charge of a situation, make your own decisions, or settle it.
Lack of purpose or confidence is a major contributing factor to restlessness, which is not limited to physical ailments and burnout. You must focus all of your attention on identifying its origin.
Also Read: Why Life is So Hard?
Seven Typical Causes of Restless and Unmotivated Feelings
The seven most typical reasons for restlessness are listed here, along with some methods for feeling inspired and at ease.
1. Repression of Sincere Emotion
In every person’s head, there are two tiny voices. Your inner critic is one voice, and your inner self is the other.
Your inner self is the expression of your creativity, self-assurance, and sense of direction. When you were younger, this gave you the freedom to follow your own rhythm. You played if that was your desire. You went to sleep when you were ready to.
But as you got older, you were taught that having a purpose meant you were a selfish or careless person. Your inner critic took charge and convinced you that it was best to play it safe. Because you had to repress your desires in order to appease other people, you consequently became restless.
It’s tiring to fight this battle inside. You must always be genuine to yourself as a result. Recognise that you are not able to please everyone and follow your inner guidance.
2. Fighting Too Many Battles
People don’t always mean what they say when they say you can have anything you want. Because you set yourself up for failure, you can be restless and without motivation.
For instance, you could find it difficult to try to eat healthily and cut back on your expenditures at the same time. Most people will concede that eating healthily does mean spending more money on raw foods. You have to prioritise your aims because they are in opposition to one another.
This also holds true if your objective is to spend more time with your family and be promoted. Gaining a promotion typically means taking on extra work while keeping your existing burden constant. As you become used to the new tasks, of course, your efficiency will increase, but you might also find yourself having to put in extra time at times.
3. Pessimistic Viewpoint on Life
You often feel the need to reassess your life after a setback. When you deal with setbacks, the following queries could cross your mind:
Was my purpose really to do this?
Had I taken a safer approach?
Is it not for me now that I know this?
When you are questioning if you wasted the last several years chasing an unrealistic ideal, it is normal to feel restless.
The issue with asking yourself “What went wrong?” is that you’ll likely come up with a negative response.
It is challenging to overcome pessimistic ideas. Actually, it may prove to you that there was always room for improvement. That’s the reason why so many people never make it past the analytical stage of life-changing. They see how things can be done better just before acting, so they choose not to do anything.
Instead of constantly pointing out all that is wrong with the world, begin to teach yourself to recognise the positive aspects of your existence. Consider asking yourself, “What is one good thing that can come from trying and failing?”
4. Low confidence
You stopped feeling like you were good enough at some point along this life-long adventure, which made you restless.
Consider an activity that gives you a great sense of confidence as a rapid remedy for this illness. It may be as basic as your aptitude for riding a bike or acing a job interview.
To say that you haven’t always been confident in your interviewing abilities would be accurate. What altered back then?
The fact that you have gained multiple employment during the years is what has changed. The same applies to your self-assurance over your cycling prowess.
Doubt disappears from your mind when you achieve an objective. You no longer feel that you have to spend three days learning how to ride a bike or getting ready for a job interview. You have confidence since you have answered a range of interview questions correctly in the past.
If you haven’t adequately prepared for the task at hand, you feel uneasy and lack confidence.
5. An Overindulgent Reliance on Others
It’s not necessarily a negative thing to depend on other people. As an African saying goes, “Go alone if you want to go fast.” Go together, though, if you want to travel far.
Collaborating with others provides you with an accountability partner who spurs you on. But when you rely too much on other people, trouble starts.
You give up control over aspects of your life to the extent that you depend on other people.
You may compare it to the group projects you completed in school. You will become irate if your partner does not look at the work until one week before it is due if you do not like to put things off.
You must work with people who share your essential principles if you want to put an end to your restlessness and prevent others from draining your motivation.
6. Feeling Burned Out
Fatigue is a serious matter. Usually, attempting to do too much too quickly leads to it. You want to make up for the past five years as quickly as possible since you feel like you’ve lost time.
Someone who wants to shed all 90 pounds in three months after gaining it over the course of three years is a prime example.
Can it happen? Most likely, but what type of diet would one have to stick to in order to try to lose a pound a day?
Likewise, suppose someone has been wanting to launch a company for the previous few years. They’ve always found an excuse to reschedule, but they’re feeling pressure now. They put in endless hours at their day jobs and work on the business all night, sleeping for barely an hour.
Of course, it may seem like things are finally turning around for the better, but how long can you maintain this momentum?
You will become agitated when you finally burn out, especially if your progress is slipping away. For this reason, you must continue to set realistic deadlines for your objectives. Recall that creating a habit that can change your life requires time.
Use relaxation methods, such as deep breathing, to look after your mental health in the interim.
7. Having Your Own Army
Isolating oneself is a surefire way to go down, whether it’s because you find it hard to put your trust in people or because you’re trying to hide your failures.
For a purpose, the most accomplished among us have mentors and coaches. It helps to see things from a different angle, particularly when that viewpoint comes from someone who has achieved the same objectives you have set for yourself.
Isolation frequently causes one’s view to become distorted by their own prejudices. Among the many research on diversity, one emphasises the higher returns that a diverse board generates in comparison to one that is not varied.
There are instances when running an idea past someone else is all that is lacking. It’s not even necessary for them to come up with the idea, but discussing it with other people has advantages. Don’t try to handle it alone. Your outcomes can suffer in addition to feeling anxious and overburdened.
How to Get Rid of Your Restlessness
you can get over your restlessness by doing the following:
1. Identify Your Genuine Motivation.
if you lack motivation within yourself, nothing else will work. you won’t get anywhere if you live your life automatically.
use this tutorial to discover how to discover your genuine passion and motivation: the ultimate guide: understanding motivation and how to obtain it
finding your motivation can help you understand your purpose in life and progressively build your self-confidence.
2. Reconcile
teach your thoughts to resist impulses. you’ll find that if you practise it on a daily basis, you can be more composed and concentrated when facing tension or anxiety.
3. Breathing Activities
exercises that involve breathing are highly effective in reducing stress and symptoms of anxiety and sadness.
4. Exchanging Images
don’t keep your emotions a secret from your friends, family, and workplace. in order to avoid dwelling on a disagreement and adding needless stress to your life, try to find a quick solution if you have one with someone.
5. Good Diet
Eating a balanced diet will assist you in feeling better and overcoming uneasiness. an unhealthy diet may exacerbate it.
6. Sleep Enough
sleep quality has a direct impact on your mental health.
7. Allocate Time To Yourself
even if it’s only for 30 minutes a day, schedule time for yourself. take a walk, unwind in a quiet spot, or engage in another enjoyable activity.
8. Gym
you might be able to relax and sleep better with the help of one of the most underappreciated relaxing techniques. perhaps all you need to do to unwind is take a walk or practise yoga or stretching for five minutes at home. getting some fresh air and sunshine outside can help you feel more in balance.
Closing Remarks
Starting to pay attention and admitting that something did not go exactly as planned is the first step towards overcoming restlessness and lack of motivation.
Recognise when you need to make a change, whether it’s because you had an unreasonable deadline or encountered an unanticipated obstacle. By doing this, you are able to move forward into the future and let go of the past.
Hopelessness and helplessness have a way of sapping your motivation. Success comes from giving oneself permission to change as you get new information and understanding. Never forget that if you alter the behaviours that led to your previous outcomes, your past need not determine your future.